The annual big event to my mum's family is coming~~
There is my Grandpa's B'day!!
Today I was drove my boy's car car~
n brought my family go in to Singapore!!
because my big sis went to ipoh= =
driving on johor causeway make me feel insecure...
but I'm still enjoy it~
because I need to be independent what= =

take a picture when the causeway is jam= =
it can make me feel better~
I was very nervous
when drove the car into sg checkpoint /.\

but I really cannot tahan my messy hair/_\
dun know how to set up...
finally I give up it~
just leave it natural~
I really dun know what can I do again= =
Birthday Cake again ❤
is 77 of the candle~
I hope we can put more candle after many years later
for my lovely Grandpa ❤
He look like very amiable when he is smile ❤
He is very care n loving us~
when I was live together with him.
he brought me breakfast every morning.
n he always rushing to do the housework.
he always quietly care for us ❤
but out of this...
he is really naughty = =
celebration was over~~
on the way back home
my mum make me madness!!
she always guiding us to the wrong way!!!
at the end
I turn around in Singapore...
fortunately we had my sis's I PHONE ~
unless I dun know when we can back home><